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Entity: Search



Searches for projects matching FTS criteria, with additional optional criteria.

Parameters (8)

Name Type Description
q string The query string being searched. This can be a word, a phrase or a boolean query logic expression
isOrg bool If true, then only include projects that are the parent to other projects
parentProjectId int Only include projects that are *direct* children of the specified project
inRootPath string Only include projects that are in the org tree of the specified string path (e.g., unixName/otherName)
inOrg string Only include projects that are in the org tree of the specified project (by ID or unixName)
canChild string Only include projects can be a child of the specified project (id or unixName)
canParent string Only include projects can be a parent for the specified project (id or unixName)
projectAdmin string Only include projects where the calling user is a project admin
Use the sort_field and sort_dir parameters to control the order in which records are returned.
Use the page_size and page_num parameters to control the set of records returned.

Return: \SearchResult[]

Zero or more projects that match the criteria.


Search for specified text across various possible scopes.

Parameters (3)

Name Type Description
q string The query string being searched. This can be a word, a phrase or a boolean query logic expression
s string A comma-separated list of REST API types to be searched. All types are allowed, but not all types will return results. Valid examples include project, user, trackeritem, wiki, scmcommit. If not specified, then projects and users are searched.
p string The unique ID or unix name for a specific project within which to search. If empty, then all projects accessible by the calling user will be searched.

Return: object

An associative list of entity type => results for that type.