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Entity: Setting



Searches for settings matching criteria, or retrieves a specific setting by database ID.

Parameters (5)

Name Type Description
id int Unique identifier for the setting record. ThisIf this value is specified, others will be ignored.
section string Section to filter results with. Examples are "project", "tracker", "trackeritem"
refId int Unique identifier for the $section being referenced. For $section = "project", $refId would be the project ID. Unixnames are not allowed.
settingName string Name of the setting to be retrieved.
defaultValue string If a record is not found, return this value instead. If none is specified, the method will return 404 (Not Found). Note: If $defaultValue is specified and no record is found, the response data will not include the id or project values.
Use the sort_field and sort_dir parameters to control the order in which records are returned.
Use the page_size and page_num parameters to control the set of records returned.

Return: \gforge\core\models\api\SettingBasic

Zero or more SettingBasic records for a search. Zero or one SettingBasic record for an id retrieval.

Name Type Description
section string Section or Object type to which the setting belongs to
refId int ID of the referenced item
settingName string Name of the setting
settingValue mixed Value of the setting. If it was stored serialized variable contains unserialized object.
api_url \API URL to obtain this Setting record

Example 1

Find a setting by database ID:
  GET http://api.mygforge.tld/setting/125


Example 2

Fetch a setting by refId, Section and Setting Name:
  GET http://api.mygforge.tld/setting?refId=43§ion=tracker&settingName=some_setting




Creates or updates a Setting record. Only admin users can POST.
Returns a SettingBasic structure with updated values if the setting was created or exists and was updated. If invalid data was provided throws a 400 (Bad Request) code with a JSON-encoded list of validation issues. If the setting does not exist, a 404 (NotFoundException) is thrown.

Parameters (1)

Name Type Description
request \mvcnphp\RequestParameters Request object

Return: array

with url location



Updates a whole object. For all purposes it works in the same way than POST, so we are redirecting to that method.

Parameters (1)

Name Type Description
request \mvcnphp\RequestParameters Request object

Return: array

containing url location



Deletes a Setting model from db. It's required that Request contains the following parameters: section, refId, settingName.

Parameters (1)

Name Type Description
request \mvcnphp\RequestParameters Request object.

Return: int

1 on success