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Entity: Usersession



Parameters (1)

Name Type Description
request \RequestParameters

Return: mixed|null


Checks to see if Basic HTTP authentication data is in the specified request.

Parameters (1)

Name Type Description
request \RequestParameters

Return: \User|bool

The user, if valid authentication data was provided. False if no data.


Get the user (if any) associated with the current session.

Parameters (1)

Name Type Description
request \RequestParameters

Return: \UserBasic

The user represented by the submitted session ID. The "Nobody" user if the session is not valid.


This service method is meant to ping and verify if the current session is still valid

Adrian: I couldn't find any usage of this method, deprecated?

Parameters (1)

Name Type Description
request \RequestParameters

Return: (none)



Create a new or refresh an existing User Session.

Parameters (1)

Name Type Description
request \RequestParameters

Return: array

A JSON object with a property called sessionHash. The value of this property uniquely identifies the combination of user and remote address, and can be submitted as the password in subsequent API requests




Remove an existing User Session.

Parameters (1)

Name Type Description
request \RequestParameters

Return: array

result code, the 200 OK HTTP response indicates that the session has been removed. If the user is not allowed to delete the specified session (or it does not exist), then a 404 response is sent.