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Entity: Wiki



Method returns wiki page file content. Url: ../api/wiki/[ID]/content

Parameters (1)

Name Type Description
request \mvcnphpRequestParameters RequestParameters object

Return: \stdClass


Method returns wiki page file content. Url: ../api/wiki/[ID]/content

Parameters (1)

Name Type Description
request \mvcnphpRequestParameters RequestParameters object

Return: \stdClass


Method returns wiki page versions info. Url: ../api/wiki/[ID]/referrers?project=[project]

Parameters (1)

Name Type Description
request \mvcnphpRequestParameters RequestParameters object
Use the page_size and page_num parameters to control the set of records returned.

Return: \WikiVersion[]


Method returns wiki page versions info. Url: ../api/wiki/[ID]/versions?project=[project]

Parameters (1)

Name Type Description
request \mvcnphpRequestParameters RequestParameters object
Use the page_size and page_num parameters to control the set of records returned.

Return: \stdClass


User needs to be authenticated to use this service.
Returns 0 or more WikiPageBasic models in an array. If an 'id' is received as parameter it will search for that record. Otherwise the method will process a search request using the expected parameters in the query string:

  • sort_field: One of the fields defined in apimodels\WikiPageBasic.

Parameters (1)

Name Type Description
request \mvcnphpRequestParameters See description for details about expected properties.
Use the sort_field and sort_dir parameters to control the order in which records are returned.
Use the page_size and page_num parameters to control the set of records returned.

Return: mixed

A WikiPageBasic model if 'id' defined, models array otherwise

Example 1

Find a wikipage by id:
  GET http://api.mygforge.tld/api/wiki/1234

  id: 55,
  section: "project",
  refId: 134,
  pagename: "FrontPage",
  flags: 0,
  latestVersion: 1,
  pageViews: 1,
  html_url: "/gf/project/msproject/wiki/?pagename=FrontPage",
  content_url: "/api/wiki/55/content"

Example 2

Find wikipages with project id 134, return 3 elements, page 1, sort by 'pagename' DESC:
  GET http://api.mygforge.tld/api/wiki/?refId=134&page_size=3&page_num=1&sort_field=pagename&sort_dir=desc


Example 3

Find wikipages with project unixname 'gforge5', pagename 'FrontPage':
  GET http://api.mygforge.tld/api/wiki/?project=gforge5&pagename=FrontPage

Example 4

Find wikipages with user id 123, pagename 'My User Wiki':
  GET http://api.mygforge.tld/api/wiki/?user=123&pagename=My+User+Wiki




Create a new wiki page entry if necessary

Parameters (2)

Name Type Description
id string In route this should be the pagename. Required
project string Project associated with wiki. Required

Return: (none)


Sets project wiki to be public or private

Parameters (0)

Name Type Description
No parameters

Return: (none)


Create a new build and an associated job if necessary

Parameters (2)

Name Type Description
id string Database ID for the wiki. Required
content string Content to be saved for the wiki page. Required

Return: (none)